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Welcome to HH Perkins Company
Established in 1917
Come Shop In Store, Order by Phone, or Order Online with New Discounts Daily!
About Us
HH Perkins is a 108-year-old family business in North Haven, CT. We are one of the largest suppliers of Rattan, Cane, Danish Cord, Rush, Reeds, and Basket Weaving materials in the United States. HH Perkins is owned by Caryl DeFrancesco and Todd DeFrancesco.
Popular Weaving Materials
1/4" Dyed Flat Reed
- Amish Mix
- Blue Heather
- Christmas
- Fire & Ice
- Harvest
- Jeweltones
- Mauve Heather
- Pastel Parfait
- Peach Blush
- Purple Haze
- Rainbow
- Stars and Stripes
- Woodhues